Why Does an Ultrasound Matter if I'm Considering Abortion?

If you’re considering an abortion, you might wonder, “Why do I need an ultrasound?” It’s natural to have questions when facing such a big decision.

An ultrasound is more than just a routine scan—it’s an essential tool that can provide important information about your health and pregnancy, helping you make informed decisions about your next steps.

What is an Ultrasound?

An ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging test that uses sound waves to create a picture of your uterus and the developing pregnancy.

It’s commonly used to confirm pregnancy and assess key details like how far along you are, where the pregnancy is located, and whether it is viable. All of these factors play a crucial role in determining the best options for your care moving forward.

Why Does an Ultrasound Matter?

An ultrasound provides three key details that are critical for your health:

  1. Gestational Age: Knowing how far along you are helps determine which abortion options are available to you. Different methods of abortion are used depending on the stage of pregnancy.
  2. Pregnancy Location: An ultrasound confirms whether the pregnancy is developing in the uterus. In some cases, the pregnancy could be ectopic, meaning it’s located outside the uterus, often in a fallopian tube.
    Ectopic pregnancies can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. In this case, an abortion wouldn’t be the correct procedure, as ectopic pregnancies need a different type of intervention.
  3. Viability: An ultrasound checks whether the pregnancy is viable, meaning if it’s likely to continue developing. It’s important to know that about 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. If your pregnancy isn’t viable, it may require different treatment.

With this vital information from your ultrasound, you are much better equipped to understand your situation and make an informed decision. Taking the time to get an ultrasound means prioritizing your well-being and allowing yourself the space to consider all your options.

Get a No-Cost Ultrasound Referral

At Ventura County Pregnancy Center, we offer no-cost onsite ultrasound referrals to provide the critical information you need to make the best decision for your health. Reach out today to learn more.

We also offer no-cost pregnancy services to help you navigate the challenges of an unexpected pregnancy. Our compassionate team is here to answer your questions and concerns.

Contact us today for an appointment.

Ventura County Pregnancy Center does not provide or refer for abortions.