Earn While You Learn

Pregnancy and parenting are filled with a lot of uncertainty. We offer a parenting program that helps answer many of your questions and ease your anxiety. You can Earn While You Learn. With each lesson you complete, you will earn vouchers. With these vouchers, you can shop for baby supplies and other materials in our onsite baby boutique.

Be The Best Parent You Can Be

Many people want to learn how to be good parents and raise a healthy, happy child. Our compassionate staff is available to provide support and resources during this time of transition and change.

The program offers classes on prenatal care, parenting, life skills, and much more. The lessons are fun, engaging, and practical. We can help you learn how to be the best parent you can be.

All our services are provided free of charge, and our client’s information is kept strictly confidential.

Upcoming Classes

Upcoming In English

Wednesday, 1/8/2025

  • Taking Care of Your Hygiene (LS-0447)*- 10:00am
    In this video, we talk about why good hygiene is important, how to maintain it, and what to do if you struggle with life circumstances that make it difficult.

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  • Parenting Without Shame Chapter 1 (PP-569)*- 11:15am
    Raise confident kids who understand their value and worth and grow in yours too with Parenting Without Shame!

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Tuesday, 1/14/2025

  • Advent Session 5- 10:00am
    Join pastor Derwin Gray in this five-session Advent study as he unveils King Jesus—the God-man who defied expectations, the king of all creation who humbled himself to serve and die, the friend to sinners who wants to lift us up.

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  • Childhood Immunizations (FY-0105)*- 11:15am
    You’ll learn about the recommended vaccines, the diseases they prevent, and practical tips for preparing your child for vaccinations. By understanding these elements, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions and confidently protect your child’s future.

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Wednesday, 1/15/2025

  • The Monster of Debt (LS-0187)*- 10:00am
    This video shows you how you can slay the monster of debt.

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  • Parenting Without Shame Chapter 2 (PP-0570)*- 11:15am
    In this lesson, learn about the effects of shame and how you can make impactful changes to model healthy behavior for your children in order to shape them rather than shame them.

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Tuesday, 1/21/2025

  • Hollywood's Formula for Lasting, Loving Relationships- 10:00am
    God's Prescription For Enhancing Your Love Life. From the Series Love, Sex & Lasting Relationships.

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  • You are in Control (BB-0646)* 11:15am
    This first course will discuss the BrightBirth plan, labor expectations, and finish up by talking about your support team.

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Wednesday, 1/22/2025

  • Credit Cards, Friend or Foe? (LS-0188) 10:00am
    This video puts credit cards in their proper perspective. And it talks about how if you are in debt or tempted to overspend because of them, then credit cards are another tool being used to separate you from your hard-earned cash and derail your financial goals!

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  • Parenting Without Shame Chapter 3(PP-0571)* 11:15am
    In this lesson, learn to recognize the shaming response or reaction, and then learn some great strategies for raising your child without shame.

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Tuesday, 1/28/2025

  • Two Models for Lasting Relationships- 10:00am
    God's Prescription For Enhancing Your Love Life. From the Series Love, Sex & Lasting Relationships.

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  • Understanding Your Infant (FY-0475)* 11:15am
    In this video, we discuss how you can understand your baby’s needs and how they communicate, their personality, and how they learn and grow. We’ll also talk about how you can take great care of yourself and line up the support you need.

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Wednesday, 1/29/2025

  • Car Seat Safety (FY-0033)*- 10:00am
    This class is only for Clients who are enrolled and that in their last trimester of their pregnancy. This video will help sort through the choices a parent has when faced with selecting the right car seat. It will also give tips on correctly installing a car seat, and where to go for help if it is too confusing. Finally, this video will cover how to correctly use the seat once it is installed so parents can feel confident their children are traveling safely.

Clases en Español

Jueves, 1/9/2025

  • Manejo de la Ira(LSS-0807)*- 10:00am
    En este vídeo, hablamos sobre cómo entender los desencadenantes de tu ira y cómo manejarlos de forma positiva.


  • Estudio Biblico- En Jesús Tenemos Seguridad- 11:15am
    Vamos a Estudiar la Biblia!


Jueves, 1/16/2025

  • Hitos de 12-15 Meses (TPS-0658)*- 10:00am
    Este video cubre los hitos que alcanzará un niño entre los 12 y los 15 meses, las habilidades que adquirirá a medida que avanza hacia la independencia y cuando llamar a su proveedor médico.


  • Estudio Biblico-Un Llamado al Arrepentimiento- 11:15am
    Vamos a Estudiar la Biblia!


Jueves, 1/23/2025

  • Creando Lazos co tu Pequeño Niño (TPS-0629)*- 10:00am
    En este video, hablaremos sobre lo que significa vincularse con su hijo y por qué es crucial que todos los padres trabajen en ello. También le mostraremos cuatro formas sencillas de ayudar a desarrollar esta relación y algunas cosas divertidas que todos los padres pueden hacer para acercarse a su niño pequeño.


  • Estudio Biblico- Justificados por la Fe-11:15am
    Vamos a Estudiar la Biblia!


Miercoles, 1/29/2025

  • Seguridad de la Silla de Automóvil (FYS-0093)*- 11:15am
    Esta clase es solamente para los clientes que ya están inscritos al programa y están en su último trimestre de su embarazo. . El siguiente video le ayudará a revisar las alternativas que un padre tiene al enfrentar la elección de la silla de auto correspondiente. También le dará consejos para una instalación correcta de la silla de seguridad y hacia dónde dirigirse para conseguir ayuda si es demasiado confuso. Por último, el presente video abordará la forma de usar correctamente la silla una vez instalada para que sus hijos se sientan cómodos y viajen de forma segura.


Jueves, 1/30/2025

  • La Importancia de las Palabras (TPS-0635)*- 10:00am
    En este video, le mostraremos como puede hacer crecer a su niño a través del poder de sus palabras, como evitar decir las cosas que lo derriban y que hacer cuando se equivoca.


  • Estudio Biblico- Hechos Hijos de Dios- 11:15am
    Vamos a Estudiar la Biblia!
