pregnant woman

If you’ve already had an abortion, you may be searching for other options. The good news is that adoption or parenting could be viable choices for you. With the right guidance, you may find these options provide the peace of mind you need. 

We’ll review the essentials when considering each option. You deserve accurate information!

Is Adoption the Best Choice?

Though difficult, adoption can provide the sense of closure you desire. Knowing your baby is in a loving, supportive environment could reassure you as the birth parent. And you have more control over the adoption process than you think. 

Nowadays, various adoption plans are available for you to choose from. Each could fit your lifestyle and specific needs:

  • Open adoption: This option is the most popular choice. You choose the adoptive parents and can forge a relationship with them and the child. Regular contact through letters, phone calls, or visits can occur.
  • Semi-open adoption: Though you can have a relationship with the adoptive family through a semi-open adoption, all communication is handled through a third party, like an attorney or adoption agency.
  • Closed adoption: A closed adoption is the most private choice. You remain anonymous, and no contact occurs between you and the adoptive family.

Interested in adoption? Ventura County Pregnancy Center’s client advocates can chat about adoption with you and provide referrals to reputable organizations. We’ll also inform you about resources and opportunities available as the birth parent.

Could Parenting Be For Me?

Parenting can seem daunting, especially considering it for the first time. But you may be more equipped to handle this life change than expected. Consider your current understanding of parenting and what challenges you may face. 

Asking yourself questions about finances, support systems, and material resources is also beneficial. Choosing this option is a big step, but help is available. Our center offers a parenting program called “Earn While You Learn,” which allows you to earn supplies at our baby boutique. 

We’ll provide the emotional support you require during the newborn stage and beyond. Having others in your corner as you embark on a parenting journey is essential. We’re here for you. 

No-Cost Services

Ventura County Pregnancy Center can answer your pregnancy questions and provide the necessary information. We’re here to provide the compassionate, trustworthy advice you deserve.

Contact us today to request an appointment.