unexpectedly pregnant woman

It can be an emotional time when you first discover you are pregnant, especially if it’s unplanned. You may be concerned about feeling judged or how your loved ones will take the news. It may not seem easy, but telling your parents can open up a valuable support network.

Here are some things you can do to prepare for this big conversation.

Carefully Set A Time And Place

One of the most careful considerations you can make is when and where you reveal the news to your parents. Remember, this news will likely come as a shock, so picking a comfortable and familiar setting will set the tone for the conversation.

Often, the best place is your own home, where the surroundings are known and there’s a sense of privacy and safety. This familiar atmosphere can help foster a more open and honest dialogue.

Look for a moment when your parents are most likely to be receptive and at ease. It’s advisable to avoid periods when they are deeply engaged in work or other demanding activities, as they may not be able to give you their full attention or might react more emotionally due to stress.

Getting Ready For The Discussion

You’ll want to be prepared for a range of responses from your parents. To do this, you’ll want to be fully informed about your options: parenting, adoption, or abortion.

Try to clearly understand what you want to do and consider your future. Having this somewhat mapped out before you talk will make it easier to communicate. Don’t forget, this is ultimately your decision.

Share your emotions openly. Whether you’re feeling scared or overwhelmed about the situation, expressing these feelings can help your parents understand your perspective.

Don’t be afraid to express your needs. This is a significant moment in your life, and asking for support is okay.

We’re Here For You

No matter how the conversation goes, you don’t have to feel alone during this process. Ventura County Pregnancy Center provides free-of-charge services and support for you. We’re also here to answer all your questions about your pregnancy and discuss options.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.